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Are you doing your short-form content strategy wrong?

In today's fast-paced world, everyone is always on the go, and attention spans are getting shorter. That's why short-form content has become increasingly popular. Short-form content is content that is brief, usually under 500 words, and can be consumed quickly. Examples of short-form content include social media posts, blog posts, and email newsletters. However, creating a content strategy for short-form content can be a challenging task. In this article, we will explore the challenges of creating a content strategy for short-form content and how to overcome them.

Finding the Right Balance Between Quantity and Quality

One of the most significant challenges of creating a content strategy for short-form content is finding the right balance between quantity and quality. Short-form content needs to be concise and to the point, but it also needs to provide value to the reader. As a result, it can be tempting to create a large quantity of content to keep up with the demand, but this can result in a lack of quality.

So we agree It's essential to prioritize quality over quantity? Good. Create a content calendar that allows for ample time to research, write, and edit each piece of short-form content. By doing so, you can ensure that each piece of content is valuable to your audience and meets your standards.


Maintaining consistency doesn't just mean posting every day. Yes yes, you should without a doubt be putting out as much quality content as you can; but consistency is essential for not only building brand awareness and developing a loyal audience but also for letting your audience know what to expect when consuming your content. Whether it's your video editing style, your tonality, or storytelling; how you do it will become your trademark to your viewers.

The solution to staying consistent you ask? Create a style guide that outlines your brand's style and tone. This guide should include guidelines for language, style, and formatting. When creating short-form content, refer to this guide to ensure consistency across all your content.

Finding the Right Topics

Finding the right topics for short-form content can feel daunting; especially when trends feel like they change by the minute. Short-form content needs to be engaging and relevant to your audience, but it also needs to be easy to consume. As a result, finding topics that strike the right balance are key.

To overcome this hurdle, conduct keyword research and use social listening tools to identify topics that your audience is interested in. Look at your competitors' content to see what is performing well and use this information to inform your content strategy.

Promoting Short-Form Content

With so much content being created every day, it can be challenging to get your content in front of your target audience. Without proper promotion, your short-form content may not receive the attention it deserves.

Don't panic! there are ways to remediate this dilemma. You have options! Paid or otherwise. Paid advertising will get you prioritization over the competition in terms of getting your message in front of your audience. Short on funds to commit? Organic social media marketing is free and readily accessible to promote your short-form content. You can also leverage the power of influencers and guest blogging to get your content in front of a larger audience.


Creating a content strategy for short-form content comes with a unique set of mountains to climb. But sometimes what may seem like a mountain may in fact just be a bump in the road. Whatever the case, with the right approach, you can overcome these challenges and create high-quality short-form content that engages your audience and drives traffic to your website. Remember to prioritize quality over quantity, maintain consistency, find the right topics, and promote your content effectively. With these strategies in place, you can be sure to have the best chance to create short-form content that outranks your competitors and positions your brand as an industry leader. Happy Hunting!

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